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L32OmniRigBridge — 15 Comments

  1. Hi Rick,

    Will this bridge be able to accomodate the Omnirig Version 2? (Thats the one that can be used with more than 2 radios)

  2. At the moment no it will not only the original one. I have not looked at what it will take to communicate with the updated one..

    73 Rick

  3. Hi Rick.
    Many thanks for this software!
    Finally we can use Omni-Rig with Logger32 avoiding to use software like VSPE to clone/split the Radio serial port.
    For me was a pleasure to collaborate with you to test this Omni Rig Bridge!!

    73 de Fabio IZ8MBW

  4. Hello Rick! That software was the ona I was waiting for. Many thanks for your work. But I have a problem with my FT1000MP. When clicking a spot on a bandmap rig QSYs but mode switches between CW and CW-R, trying to set it in reverse. What is the reason? Somenthing wrong in my setup or there is a bug?

    Greg SQ4NR

  5. Hi Greg..
    Sorry for the delay in answering. I hadn’t noticed I had a new message to approve..
    Take a look at your Logger32 Band/Modes table. Does the bands/Modes table have CW-R set in it?? If not it is a bug I will need to look at. There are a few issues I need to fix with the bridge but have not had time to work on it yet.

    73 Rick

  6. Use with Omnirig two radios: YAESU FT991A and ICOM IC-7300. When I switch to digital (USB-D) mode, the software does not recognise it by setting RTTY mode on radios automatically. How do I solve this? Thank you

  7. I’m not sure about the FT991a but for the 7300 open the setup window and in the radio dropdown there is a selections for the 7300 you need to choose 7300-Digital for the radio to be able to switch to USB-D. and use the other selection for when you want to Do RTTY. Omni-Rig can only support a certain number of modes so they split it up.

    73 Rick N2AMG

  8. Rick, I have set CW in bands/modes settings . But the situation is strange: if I click on a spot, freq changes, so does mode CW -> CW-R. By clicking another spot it goes CW-R -> CW. Clicking another it goes again to CW-R.

    Greg SQ4NR

  9. Hi Greg..
    I will add this to my list of things I need to work on. I have not had a chance to work on this bridge because something else always seems to come up that needs to be fixed.
    Thanks for letting me know..

    73 Rick

  10. Is it possible to use L32OmniRigBridge as a slave for OmniRig?

    Since I am running a remote RIG control program other than Logger32, I haven’t used Logger32’s RIG Control so far to avoid CAT commands conflits between them.
    I just want to capture frequency and mode to Logger32 using L32OmniRigBridge.

    At this momemnt, when I start L32OmniRigBridge with Logger32, RIG (FTDX5000) suffers CAT conflicts.

    73 Ken JN7FAH

  11. Please excuse the repetitive posts.

    I have set Com Port: None, Radio: No Radio.

    When I start when I start L32OmniRigBridge with Logger32, FTDX5000 repeat changing modes between CW and CW-R for CW, USB and LSB for SSB.

    73 Ken JN7FAH

  12. Hello Greg,

    When I start L32OmniRigBridge with Logger32, RIG (FTDX5000) repeats changing modes between CW and CW-R for CW, USB and LSB for SSB.
    On Logger32, I have set Com Port: None, Radio: No Radio.

    I monitor the COM port to which L32OmniRigBridge send commands through OmniRig using a terminal software.
    I found L32OmniRigBridge send following 9 commands.
    Among them, the last one (IF;FA;) is generated by an INI files written by muyself for a special purpose for my remote operation.
    Therefore commands (1) to (8) seems to be generated by L32OmniRigBridge through OmniRig.

    Commands (7)MD3; and (8)MD7; may cause involuntary mode change phenomena.


    As you know we can write INI files for OmniRig to read and set rig status we like.
    Since I am using a remote RIG control program other than Logger32, I haven’t used Logger32’s RIG Control so far to avoid CAT commands conflits between them.
    In my case, the most feavalable option to use L32OmniRigBridge is brige rig status read by OmniRig according to own INI files.

    I hope that L32OmniRigBridge will adapt such a option to capture frequency and mode from rig.

    73 Ken JN7FAH

  13. The bridge only acts as a message handler for frequency and mode. What Omni-Rig spits out gets translated to a frequency and mode format that Logger32 understands and gets sent to Logger32. What Logger32 sends to the bridge gets translated to What Omni-Rig understands and gets sent to it. The bridge does not send anything that was not sent to it. All of the radio commands are what Omni-Rig sends to the radio using it’s Rig.ini files for that radio. None of those are sent to Logger32. Mostly what is sent to the bridge are frequency and mode changes that get passed on in both directions.

    73 Rick N2AMG

  14. Hi!

    >What Logger32 sends to the bridge gets translated to What Omni-Rig understands and gets sent to it.

    Logger32 only “sends” the frequency and mode ( as in the log window ) or is it possible to send just about anything to the bridge using macros from the radio control panel, $command$ and so on?


  15. No Omni-rig does not understand those unless they are sent to Omni-rig directly thru its software. The bridge needs some work just not sure when I will get to it..
    73 Rick N2AMG

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