L32 LogSync
This application will allow you to sync your Logger32 logbook with various services and servers.
The application will do the following:
1. Upload and download your log and confirmations from LOTW. Including in real-time.
2. Upload and download your log and confirmations from eQSL. Including in real-time.
3. Upload your log information to ClubLog. Including in real-time.
4. Upload your log information to HRDLog.net. Including in real-time.
5. Upload your log information to a Website Script based on a webserver. Including in real-time.
6. Upload your log information to QRZ.com * requires a QRZ Subscription *
7. Has a built in full featured FTP application for uploading your log to a secure FTP server.
*8. Uploads Frequency and Mode data to a script running on a website.
(* indicates items that have not been completed at this time.)
Current Full Version: 10/28/2023
Full Install Download:L32LogSyncInstaller.msi
Download the file and Run the installer.
When Club Log auto upload failed, L32logsync.ini file is override to WNDTop=-32000 and WNDLeft=52, L32logsync window goes to out frame on screen.
Rewrite WNDTop and WNDleft, then window returns properly.
Please check this symptom.
Jim.. Would you look in the directory where the program is installed and see if you find a DebugLog.txt if you do send it to me direct at rellison@twcny.rr.com
If you don’t find the file Turn Debug on and see if you can catch this in the debug for me. It will kinda of point to what area is causing this..
73 Rick N2AMG