HomeSoftware & Software Lookup for Logger32

Comments Lookup for Logger32 — 12 Comments

  1. I keep on getting a session timeout error when using your subscriber QRZ login, it is random happening every day or so. I can delete the *.ini file and re enter the password, ID but restore operation but it keeps on happening.
    Also can you remove the error message you receive when the call entered is not on Not sure if this is possible but a nuisance with the error beep, etc. Thanks Jim K4JAF

  2. Jim..
    I’m looking into this your the second person to report this and I can’t suplicate it here so I will keep digging..


  3. Your post Lookup for Logger32 – N2AMG’s Place was very interesting when I found it over google on Wednesday by my search for I have your blog now in my bookmarks and I visit your blog again, soon. Take care.

  4. Read_Me_First.txt information file included in ALL of Your excellent programs.

    may i make a suggestion???

    In the ZIP-file QRZHTTPLookups, lookup, etc, the READ_me_first.txt instruction file, could be named QRZHTTPLookups_readme_first.txt…. etc etc, so when I copy (into logger32 dir), i have both EXE and TXT info related to the feature (without the need to rename the “READ_me_first.txt” file with the appropriated-related feature name .

    Have a nice week-end

    adriano ik2cbd

  5. works for me when I log on directly but not when using Logger32 and external program. I have verified a blank .ini is available (by deleting each failed attempt) and correct login and password. I followed the readme.txt, selecting the exe from the browse so no mistakes in spelling or case. Any thoughts? Thanks for the great program (just wish I could make all parts work)
    73, Gary AB3ID

  6. Rick,

    I copied the files into Logger32 but get the following error message – any ideas??

    Component ‘MSinet.ocx’ or one of its components not registered: a file is missing or invalid.

    Thanks. 73′ Pete.

  7. Hi
    Thanks for the program, it is very useful. I am using the current version of Logger32 and your program. A small problem I see is when I have clicked on a call, eg Z23MS, the QRZ subscriber box comes up and shows under “QSL via : Via UA3DX”, but only VIA UA3 is shown in the QSL_Via entry window in the Logbook entry window of Logger 32.
    Neil VA6AK

  8. installed Hamcallookup and it worked once. after that gives me “error with username or password delete c:/logger32/hamcallookup.ini and renter …”

    I do this and it returns the same message. I am using the correct username and password. also it appears to be putting multiple call letters into the call look up window.

  9. the installer wants to replace my wininet.dll file, and of course windows won’t let it. Neither can I replace the file manually. Computer says the old file is in use. Can’t manipulate the file from windows dos either so I am stuck. Computer runs windows xp which is fully updated as far as microsoft can give me. Any ideas?

  10. Thank you so much for writing this software for Logger 32!!! You did an AMAZING job and CONTINUE to do a great job supporting and updating what you’ve made! I LOVE THE QRZ LOOKUP, and I am about ti try the Hamcall lookup right now!!!!

    Thanks so much for the time and effort you put into this! THANKS!!!!!

  11. I have downloaded the qrz xml lookup but it does not come up auto matically when I put in a call into the logging program, which shows in the previous calls only.

  12. Russ.
    Hopefully the lookup you have downloaded is L32Lookups. Its located on my site. It is the only lookup program I am supporting as any of my other lookups no longer work with QRZ correctly. In order to get the lookups to work automatically make sure the application is setup correctly in the Internet Lookup Window of L32 and then in Logger32 click on Setup then Auto Lookup. You need to place a check mark next to auto lookup use external application or something similar to that. nt near my ham computer to check on the actual verbiage.
    73 Rick N2AMG

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